Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 4: Learning How to Smile

Hey! Wanna hear some good music? Ok cool, c'mon in. Here have some Everclear. No not the drink, I'm talking about the band led by Art Alexakis. Everclear, formed in 1992, is a rock band probably most famous for songs such as Father of Mine, I Will Buy You a New Life, and Santa Monica. Interestingly, they also have a song titled Otis Redding in which Alexakis states that he wishes he "could sing like Otis Redding". Though his voice is a far cry from Otis' he does pretty well with the voice God gave him.

Song: Learning How to Smile

Artist: Everclear
Album: Songs from an American Movie, Vol. 1: Learning How to Smile

Thanks to my big sister, Vivienne, I have been well acquainted with the music of Everclear from an early age. I was, shall we say, well immersed. So much so that I felt like I was drowning at times. It seemed like every car ride we would listen to Everclear on repeat as Viv would try to emulate every last syllable uttered by Art. I became weary of the only playlist more repetitive than pop radio. But as I grew older and began developing my own musical tastes I sort of rediscovered them, and suddenly I saw their music in a whole new light. As a kid Learning How to Smile always stood out to me as a one my favorite Everclear songs, which at the time was a short list of favorites. But even now with an iTunes library full of almost every Everclear track, most of which I now love to listen to, my childhood favorite still stands tall above the rest. A mellow violin arrangement welcomes you at the front door followed by Art's distinctive intonation. The highlight of the song is the drop right after Alexakis whispers "Baby let's just run away. UH!" Well, I hope that you learn to appreciate Everclear as much as I have grown to. Thanks sis, I guess you were right all along (on this one at least).

Listen to it here:

View the lyrics here:

If you liked Learning How to Smile, check out: I Will Buy You a New Life, Wonderful, and Short Blonde Hair.

For previous days...
Want more Manu Chao? Listen to Denia, Merry Blues, and Mr. Bobby.

Liked Otis Redding? Check out These Arms of Mine, Come to Me, and Amen.
Loved Otis? Then get Otis! The Definitive Otis Redding (box set)

Gotta have more Bob Marley? Listen to Chances Are (album), Baby We've Got a Date, and Gold (2 disc set)

Thanks for stopping by, and hey, don't be a stranger! Oh by the way, last time I said I had something special for the seventh day. I should have said Sunday (the seventh day of the week), which is actually the fifth day of Mulatto Music. So tell your friends what all the brouhaha is about, and be sure to tune in tomorrow for more tomfoolery, shenanigans, and mishigas!

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