Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 3: 100.000 Remords

I hope you've been enjoying the journey thus far. You've probably noticed that I have a healthy appetite for older music. Well, like it or love it today we'll be heading a different route into the 21st century to listen to Manu Chao. Who or What is Manu Chao you ask? Manu Chao is a man who uses many different musical elements and sings in many different languages (French, Spanish, English, Arabic, etc.) often switching languages mid-song, resulting in a brand of music which is damn near impossible to place into a genre. You'll like him.

Song: 100.000 Remords
Artist: Manu Chao
Sibérie m'était contéee (2004)

SACRE` BLEU!!! For the life of me I cannot tell you what this song is about. All I can tell you is Listen. Musically it makes sense. Music has the ability to transcend language, culture, and any other barriers blocking its path. This song, proves it. 100.000 Remords has a reminiscent, pleasantly haunting quality to it, even from the first time you hear it. Guaranteed to make you tap a foot or a finger to the infectious guitar riff. It'll have you singing your own made up lyrics "Zombie Ramon" (or maybe that's just me), unless of course you understand the lyrics and if so, I tip my cap to you.

View the lyrics here:

Listen to it here:

Stay tuned my friends, I got a little something extra for y'all coming up on day 7. Are you enjoying the music selections so far? Shucks, I sure do hope so!

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