Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 5: Sam Cooke

On the fifth day he told of an artist, and it was good. Sam Cooke, "The Man Who Invented Soul", is an artist much too significant to introduce just one song, so today I will introduce you to three Cooke Classics. Please know that even three songs by Sam paints such a limited picture of the incredible talent that he was, I strongly urge you to do your research on him and his music. Sam Cooke is, in a word, Soul. Sam, who crossed over from gospel to r&b/soul, was one of the greatest singer-songwriters ever, as well as a groundbreaking businessman. He became the first black artist to be paid an advance and retain ownership of his recordings, this in an era where even the most talented black artists seldom received more than a Cadillac and a pat on the back. He also started his own record label and publishing company. On top of all this, he played a pivotal role in the civil rights movement with his song A Change is Gonna Come, and through his friendships with Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, and Jim Brown. But sadly, Sam was taken from us much too soon. On December 11th, 1964 at the age of 33 Sam Cooke was shot and killed in what was controversially ruled a "justifiable homicide". So, without further ado I introduce you to the music of Sam Cooke.

Song: Having A Party (1962)
Having a Party truly, truly soothes my soul. I find myself at a loss for words as to how to explain the beauty that lies in this soulful and pure composition. You simply must listen. But listen with care. Listen to every instrument. The strings. The bass, oh dear God the bass! Listen to the harmony of Sam's sweet, sweet voice. You're in good hands with Sam, just lean back and drift away.

Listen here:

View the lyrics here:

Song: That's Where It's At (1964)
In the first 3 seconds That's Where It's At transports you to heaven with eleven (count 'em) simple plucks on the bass, all before the song is even graced by Cooke's irresistible voice. In quite possibly the coolest, smoothest, grittiest song ever made Sam paints the most accurate and beautiful portrayal of a young romance, making sure not to leave out even the slightest of details. Thank God for Sam Cooke, and his incredible bass player (forgive me father for I know not his name).

Listen here:

Lyrics are here:

Song: A Change is Gonna Come (1965)
A Change is Gonna Come tells of the heartaches and struggles facing a man of color living in America in the mid 20th century, and proclaims with absolute faith, even in the face of direct denial, the hope of a people that change would soon come. The words of Cooke still rang loud and clear 44 years after the song's release as Barack Obama, upon being elected the first black President of the United States, announced "It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America."

Listen here:

View the lyrics:

The three songs featured today may all be found on the compilation album Portrait of a Legend. Also take note that Sam had a flourishing gospel career before crossing over, so there is also treasury of golden gospel tunes. A good album to pick up is Jesus Gave Me Water by the Soul Stirrers - a gospel group Sam sang in before turning solo.

To know me, you must first get to know Sam Cooke. We must not let the music of Mr. Cooke fade away, go and tell tale of his wondrous compositions of soul. "Sam Cooke's yours, he'll never grow old"

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