Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 4: Learning How to Smile

Hey! Wanna hear some good music? Ok cool, c'mon in. Here have some Everclear. No not the drink, I'm talking about the band led by Art Alexakis. Everclear, formed in 1992, is a rock band probably most famous for songs such as Father of Mine, I Will Buy You a New Life, and Santa Monica. Interestingly, they also have a song titled Otis Redding in which Alexakis states that he wishes he "could sing like Otis Redding". Though his voice is a far cry from Otis' he does pretty well with the voice God gave him.

Song: Learning How to Smile

Artist: Everclear
Album: Songs from an American Movie, Vol. 1: Learning How to Smile

Thanks to my big sister, Vivienne, I have been well acquainted with the music of Everclear from an early age. I was, shall we say, well immersed. So much so that I felt like I was drowning at times. It seemed like every car ride we would listen to Everclear on repeat as Viv would try to emulate every last syllable uttered by Art. I became weary of the only playlist more repetitive than pop radio. But as I grew older and began developing my own musical tastes I sort of rediscovered them, and suddenly I saw their music in a whole new light. As a kid Learning How to Smile always stood out to me as a one my favorite Everclear songs, which at the time was a short list of favorites. But even now with an iTunes library full of almost every Everclear track, most of which I now love to listen to, my childhood favorite still stands tall above the rest. A mellow violin arrangement welcomes you at the front door followed by Art's distinctive intonation. The highlight of the song is the drop right after Alexakis whispers "Baby let's just run away. UH!" Well, I hope that you learn to appreciate Everclear as much as I have grown to. Thanks sis, I guess you were right all along (on this one at least).

Listen to it here:

View the lyrics here:

If you liked Learning How to Smile, check out: I Will Buy You a New Life, Wonderful, and Short Blonde Hair.

For previous days...
Want more Manu Chao? Listen to Denia, Merry Blues, and Mr. Bobby.

Liked Otis Redding? Check out These Arms of Mine, Come to Me, and Amen.
Loved Otis? Then get Otis! The Definitive Otis Redding (box set)

Gotta have more Bob Marley? Listen to Chances Are (album), Baby We've Got a Date, and Gold (2 disc set)

Thanks for stopping by, and hey, don't be a stranger! Oh by the way, last time I said I had something special for the seventh day. I should have said Sunday (the seventh day of the week), which is actually the fifth day of Mulatto Music. So tell your friends what all the brouhaha is about, and be sure to tune in tomorrow for more tomfoolery, shenanigans, and mishigas!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 3: 100.000 Remords

I hope you've been enjoying the journey thus far. You've probably noticed that I have a healthy appetite for older music. Well, like it or love it today we'll be heading a different route into the 21st century to listen to Manu Chao. Who or What is Manu Chao you ask? Manu Chao is a man who uses many different musical elements and sings in many different languages (French, Spanish, English, Arabic, etc.) often switching languages mid-song, resulting in a brand of music which is damn near impossible to place into a genre. You'll like him.

Song: 100.000 Remords
Artist: Manu Chao
Sibérie m'était contéee (2004)

SACRE` BLEU!!! For the life of me I cannot tell you what this song is about. All I can tell you is Listen. Musically it makes sense. Music has the ability to transcend language, culture, and any other barriers blocking its path. This song, proves it. 100.000 Remords has a reminiscent, pleasantly haunting quality to it, even from the first time you hear it. Guaranteed to make you tap a foot or a finger to the infectious guitar riff. It'll have you singing your own made up lyrics "Zombie Ramon" (or maybe that's just me), unless of course you understand the lyrics and if so, I tip my cap to you.

View the lyrics here:

Listen to it here:

Stay tuned my friends, I got a little something extra for y'all coming up on day 7. Are you enjoying the music selections so far? Shucks, I sure do hope so!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 2: Little Ol' Me

It is great to see all these beautiful faces popping up on the left side of my screen, even the blank ones. So my friends, welcome back. Today I would like to introduce you to Mr. Otis Redding, perhaps you have met before. Otis Redding, known by many as the King of Soul, is one of the best singers to have walked the earth, tragically his life was taken away in a plane crash at the age of 26. Some of his more well known songs are These Arms of Mine, (Sittin' on the) Dock of the Bay, and Respect which he wrote and performed (yes, the song Aretha later made famous). But today we'll be listening to a song called Little ol' Me.

Song: Little ol' Me
Artist: Otis Redding
Album: Remember Me (Released 1992/Recorded ????)

You've probably heard your parents or maybe even your grandparents tell you, "They just don't make love songs like they used to." Their statement probably didn't hold much weight for you, you probably just turned up the volume on your iPod to listen to Kiss Me Thru the Phone. Well this is precisely the kind of love song they were trying to tell you about, Otis Redding's Little ol' Me. Have you ever loved someone so much that you would do ANYTHING just to hold them in your arms? Well, Otis knows exactly how you feel. Easily one of the most soulful voices you will ever hear, when Otis sings it seems as though he bypasses his vocal chords and sings straight from his soul. If I could be have one superpower, it would have to be the voice of Otis Redding. His backup band, The Bar-Kays, are absolutely incredible. When you pair the instrumentation of The Bar-Kays with the voice of Otis Redding, it is almost too many wonderful sounds to take at once. Listen near the end of the song as Otis professes his committment to do anything for his love. Everytime I listen to Otis Redding I can't help but fall just a little bit deeper in love with my lady. I think you owe your folks an apology, they really don't make love songs like they used to.

Listen to it here:

Feel free to leave me feedback in the form of comments! Until tomorrow, good day and God bless.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 1: Introduction/Talkin' Blues

Hello, and welcome to my very first blog posting. It is my goal to open your mind, and ears, to music, regardless of genre. I want to open your eyes to see that good music is everywhere (yes, even in the age of Soulja Boy and Lady Gaga). I will introduce you to great artists and songs that you've never heard of, and tell you things that you never knew about your favorite songs and artists. I will take you from the 1940's to the 2000's and back again, journeying through the mainstream, off the beaten path and beyond. So won't you come along for the ride?

Song: Talkin' Blues
Artist: Bob Marley & The Wailers
Album: Natty Dread (1974)

Imagine if the blues hooked up with reggae and made sweet sweet love...Talkin' Blues is what would come out of the womb 9 months later. This is one of my favorite songs to listen to when I'm feeling down and out. It has the ability to make me feel sad, hopeful, and just plain good, all at the same time. Mr. Marley sings it just right, hitting all the right spots, and the I-Threes back it up real smooth to deliver an irresistible combination sure to cause an eargasm every time. The lyrics are a classic blues refrain with a Marley twist,
"Cold ground was my bed last night,
And rock was my pillow too
I've been down on the rock for so long,
I seem to wear a permanent screw"
and the music is a beautiful medley of reggae and blues that makes you feel happy to feel sad. You feel me?

Listen to it here:

And view the full lyrics here:

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