Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 30: Regina Spektor

Welcome to to the final day of the 30 day period, I hope that you have enjoyed the journey and that I have helped expand your musical horizons. Although I may take a day or two respite, Mulatto Music will continue, possibly in a slightly different format. In celebration of day 30 I decided to do an Artist Feature today rather than just a song.

Regina Spektor is quirky, curious, silly, serious, and just plain adorable. She is a splendid and inventive songwriter whose songs often require a lot of thought to interpret. Some of her songs come from dreams, making them appear at first listen to make no worldly sense. She is a classically trained pianist born in Moscow and raised in New York. Her voice is hauntingly brilliant and her childlike personality is priceless. She is occasionally known for breaking into random beatboxing. Regina is a True Artist, and one that certainly dances to the beat of her own drum.

Song: Human Of The Year
Album: Far (2009)

Forget the TIME Man Of The Year Award, in this wonderful song average joe Karl Projectorinski has been named Human Of The Year. In what seems to be a critique of our society's idolization of arbitrary figures, or possibly a critique on religion (or both), Regina delivers with sardonically beautiful lyrics and haunting vocalization. Check out these lyrics:
"Why are you so scared?
You stand there shaking in the pew.
The icons are whispering to you,
they're just old men,
like on the benches in the park,
except their balding.. spots are glistening with gold".
Listen Here!

Lyrics Here¡

Song: Samson
Album: Songs (2002)

In this reference to the long haired biblical strong man Regina puts forth a bone-chilling vocal performance. Her work on piano is the perfect complement to her angelic voice.

Listen Here!

Song: Folding Chair
Album: Far (2009)

The playful side of Regina is out in full force for Folding Chair and you just can't help but smile. She gives a wonderful perspective on feminine insecurity and celebrates the beauty in functionality rather than aesthetics with an instantly classic line:
"I've got a perfect body, but sometimes I forget
I've got a perfect body, 'cause my eyelashes catch my sweat".
This upbeat song is nostalgic and sounds lighthearted, but there seems to be heavier subject matter beneath the surface. See if you can decipher.

Listen Here!

Lyrics Here¡

And one for good luck...

Song: Laughing With
Album: Far (2009)

In this song Regina showcases her incredible songwriting. She travels back and forth from somber to serious to funny and contemplative all within a matter of about 3 and a half minutes.
"No one's laughing at God...(but..)
God can be funny
When told he'll give you money if you just pray the right way
And when presented like a genie
Who does magic like Houdini
Or grants wishes like Jiminy Cricket and Santa Claus"
Surely you recognize what a wonderful songstress Regina is, yes?

Listen Here!

Lyrics Here¡

For more Regina start off with her first breakthrough album Begin To Hope, next get Far, Soviet Kitsch, and Songs. If you fall in love with Regina, don't be surprised, and be sure to also get 11:11 and keep in mind that she has many, many live songs yet to be released.

Thank You all for the support, comments, feedback, and motivation to keep going for these past 30 days, I couldn't have done it without you. It, obviously, would have meant nothing without you.

Thank You

Signing off (for now). -Sir Gabriel

"I don't wanna say goodbye to you, so I'll just say goodnight to you..."

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