Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 10: Wash Away

When Folk singer Joe Purdy stepped out of bed this morning he never would have dreamt that one of his songs would be featured on Mulatto Music today, but lo and behold here it is. Purdy has independently released an astounding 10 albums in a span of just 8 years. He has had many songs featured on TV and film such as Grey's Anatomy and The Secret Life of Bees. You've probably heard a great song on a commercial and said "Wow! I love that song, who is that singing?" It's Joe.

Song: Wash Away
Artist: Joe Purdy
Album: Julie Blue (2004)

This song was made semi-famous from an appearance in season 1 of Lost, and is currently being featured in the Dawn Wildlife commercial. In Wash Away, Joe sits down on the porch with you and says "Hey, I know you're goin' through it right now my friend, but you're gonna survive the whole horrible mess." All the while he strums his guitar, and plays a hopeful little tune. After that he loans you bit of money and gives you a hug, uh, metaphorically speaking. Well, lyrically speaking he actually says
"I've got troubles oh, but not today, 'cause they're gonna wash away, they're gonna wash away."
But he really does play a hopeful tune on his guitar, see for yourself.

Listen here

Lyrics here

Don't wanna see Joe go so soon? Then check out Worn Out Shoes, Can't Get It Right Today, and You Can Tell Georgia.

Or visit his website at

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