Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 16: Run This Town

He's baaaack! Whatever it is you wanna call him (Hov, Jigga, Mr. Carter,), Jay-Z has returned to form. In recent years you've probably heard more Jay-Z on Entertainment Tonight than you have through the speakers of passersby on the streets. His return from retirement has, thus far, resembled Michael Jordan's comeback with the Wizards. He's been good, even showing flashes of his former dominance but has clearly shown that he's not the best in the game anymore. But Jay is going back to the Blueprint, for a third time. In a genre currently being dominated by pop-rappers like Lil Wayne, Soulja Boy, and Drake, Jay's timing couldn't be better. A little tidbit for those of you who might think Jay-Z is just a demeaning, superficial thug: following the hurricane Katrina disaster Jay-Z donated 1 million dollars to the American Red Cross relief effort. He has also worked to fight the global water shortage, pledging a world tour to raise awareness, and in '06 he took part in a documentary titled Diary of Jay-Z: Water for Life. Today's song follows the release of his poignant single D.O.A (Death of Auto-Tune), and gives you a mouthful of what to expect when The Blueprint 3 hits store shelves September 11th. Oh and by the way, Rihanna and KanYe West both join Jay-Z on this track.
The Roc is definitely in the building!

Song: Run This Town

Artist: Jay-Z Feat. Rihanna & Kanye West
Album: The Blueprint 3 (2009)

The Blueprint 3,
Jay's pièce de résistance
against current music trends, features a heavy reliance on real instrumentation rather than electronic beats, and absolutely no auto-tune. Although "the Michael Jordan of rap" has put up several attempts since coming out of retirement, this effort is his first to hit nothing but the bottom of the net since his famous "last shot" from the top of the key (The Black Album). Run This Town bites down hard and won't let go. The production (handled by Kanye), which features a mean guitar riff, sets the tone for this powerful anthem right from the start. Rihanna, looking better than ever, is fierce and badder than ever (watch her face in the video). She sings the hook with absolute fire, raising the question: can anyone sing a hook better than this girl? Kanye delivers his verse straight from the gut, with the intensity exhibited on Jesus Walks, in an effort to shut the mouths of his incessant critics. And Jay-Z makes clear the difference between a Grown Man and a lil' boy. Quite frankly, Jay-Z, Rihanna, and Kanye have never been stronger than on this effort.

Listen and watch here

If you want more Jay-Z be sure to pick up The Blueprint 3 September 11th.

1 comment:

  1. it may be true that his last few efforts haven't been as good as his early stuff, but it's because he set the bar so high...

    to me, even jay-z's weakest stuff is still intelligent and is better than any rapper on the radio. Wayne is great at rhyming words and he's funny, but he's nowhere near the level of Hov when it comes to influencing pop culture and talking about things that matter...

    even on 'kingdom come' which is an ok album at best, he's still dealing with real issues, and i'd rather listen to that than hear about how Lil Wayne wishes he could ____ every girl in the world...

    if Jay-Z is the Michael Jordan of rap, then Lil Wayne and all these new guys are like the And One crew... yeah they're entertaining and they're talented, but they have no place standing on the same court as the true legends.
